What you need to know about Title 24 and Robern products:

  • Title 24 certified indoor lighting requires luminaires to be high efficacy according to JA8
  • Title 24 certified indoor lighting can be operated by various types of control systems including dimmers and vacancy sensors.

Title 24 is intended to reduce energy use in California with the latest standards effective as of January 1, 2017. Title 24 continues to put California on the forefront of energy conservation.

Title 24 Part 6 is the cornerstone of the State of California’s energy efficiency plan, which aims to achieve “Zero Net Energy” for new residences by 2020 and new non-residential buildings by 2030. The 2016 Standards focus on several key areas to improve the energy efficiency of newly constructed buildings, additions and alterations to existing buildings. The efficiency improvements address attics, walls, water heating and lighting. The California Energy Commission estimates that the 2016 standards will deliver approximately 281 gigawatt-hours of electricity savings annually and reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 160,000 metric tons. This is enough electricity to power 500,000 California homes each year.

These standards represent a major step towards meeting California’s residential Zero Net Energy (ZNE) goal by the year 2020. Updates enhance and simplify previous requirements and lay the foundation for additional efficiency improvements slated for the 2019 code.

High Efficacy Lighting

Regulations require that lighting in new homes be high efficacy, while also expanding the types of lighting that qualify as high efficacy. The definition of “high efficacy luminaires” includes all light sources identified as “efficient.” Any luminaire can qualify as high efficacy as long as it meets the requirements of Section 150.0 (k) and Joint Appendix JA8. Robern tests our products at an accredited test laboratory and submits the results to the California Energy Commission to gain JA8 certification. Requirements assure luminaires provide high color quality, have a long life and are energy efficient. A list of compliant products may be found at https://cacertappliances.energy.ca.gov/.


Source: UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center: https://cltc.ucdavis.edu/publication/2016-title-24-code-changes-residential

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